Arylpyrroles for subterranean termite control
Arylpyrroles for the protection of wood, wood products and...
Aseptic sterilant using ozone in liquid carbon dioxide
Aspartic acid derivative-containing compositions and use...
Attractant bait for the control of parasites in cultured...
Attractant compositions for fall webworm (hyphantria cunea)
Attractant for apple fruit moth and other insect pests of apple
Attractant for army cutworm moths
Attractant for beet webworm moths
Attractant for darksided cutworm moth
Attractant for moths
Attractant for sunflower moth
Attractant for the potato moth and the preparation of the...
Attracting and ingestion-stimulating agent for cockroach
Attracting and ingestion-stimulating agent for cockroach
Attractive insecticidal bait
Automatic control mechanism for tape cassette player
Auxin herbicide composition
Avermectins and milbemycins to treat parasitic in dogs
Avian control