Device for packaging and application comprising an element...
Device for packaging and application of a hair care product
Device for packaging and application of a product with a...
Device for packaging and application of a product, namely...
Device for packaging and applying a product
Device for packaging and/or application of a product
Device for preventing drying of ink in writing instrument
Device for removing enamel from the nail
Device for rotational braking between two concentric members...
Device for sanding buffing or grinding elongate objects
Device for single cosmetic application
Device for spraying a cosmetic product
Device for storing and releasing a fragrance, and set of...
Device for straightening and drying hair
Device for styling hair
Device for the application in strands of a hair product
Device for the application of a colouring agent in streaks,...
Device for the application of a hair treatment composition...
Device for the application of a liquid material, in...
Device for the application of a product on the eyelashes or...