Digital circuit for control of gradual turn on of electrical...
Digital counter driven pacer
Digital pacemaker with increased pulse width as battery...
Digital pacemaker with test signal for threshold safety margin
Digitally controlled pacemaker
Diode laser irradiation system for biological tissue...
Direct current stimulation of spinal interbody fixation device
Direct visualization robotic intra-operative radiation...
Directional delivery of energy and bioactives
Discrimination of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in an...
Disinfection, destruction of neoplastic growth, and...
Dislodgement detection of right atrial endocardial lead by...
Display for an electrotransport delivery device
Disposable and/or replenishable transdermal drug applicators...
Disposable dosage unit for iontophoresis-facilitated delivery
Disposable ground plate electrode
Disposable internal electrode
Disposable single-use external dosimeters for use in...
Disposable wound treatment electrode
Dosage control electrode for iontophoresis device