Surfactant compositions of phosphoric esters of poly...
Surfactant containing agrochemical homogeneous emulsifiable...
Surfactant mixture containing short-chain and also...
Surfactant mixtures, stable gas-in-liquid emulsions, and...
Surfactant requirements for the low-shear formation of water...
Surfactant-stabilized foams
Surfactants and dispersants by in-line reaction
Surfactants for structuring non-aqueous liquid compositions
Surfactants formed by surface-modified mineral nanoparticles
Surfactants from lignin
Surfactants in agrochemical formulations
Surge suppression
Suspension of aqueous magnesium oxide
Swirl mixing device
Swirling type micro-bubble generating system
Synchronized magnetic stirring and heating device
Synthetic emulsifiers and their use
Syringe adapter with a driver for agitation of the syringe...