Dual-cell mechanical flotation system with intermittent...
Dycon gravity mineral recovery apparatus and process
Dynamic separator
Effluent discharge bitumen recovery
Eggshell processing methods and apparatus
Elutriated sluice
Emergency screen bypass device in a vibratory slurry sifter
Equipment for increasing the throughput of rotary breakers...
Extended-life pavement-marking sheet material
Extracting crude oil from bituminous sand
Extraction of bitumen and oil from athabaska tar sands
Extraction of hydrocarbons from oil sands
Facility and process for the multi-stage gasification of a...
Feeding method and apparatus for dynamic separators
Feeding of bituminous sand from mass flow bins
Ferrofluid and solidification separation system
Filtering tar sand treatment residual water
Filtration dewatering of iron ore concentrates
Fine powder classification by ferrofluid density separation
Flocculant for bitumen tailings