Particle separation
Perfected reactor for liquids purification
Ph adjustment in the flotation of sulphide minerals
Phosphate ore triple float
Phosphate rock flotation
Phosphinic acid adducts with maleic acid semiesters, a...
Polyamines as pyrrhotite depressant in a flotation process
Polymer collectors for coal flotation
Polymeric sulfide mineral depressants
Polyorganosiloxane collectors in the beneficiation of fine...
Potash ore concentration
Preparation and use of xanthogen chloropropyl formate...
Pressurized flotation module and method for pressurized foam...
Procede de flottation des minerais
Process and apparatus for bitumen froth treatment with...
Process and apparatus for removing ink from wastepaper
Process and apparatus for separating fine particles by...
Process and apparatus for the flotation of mineral raw...
Process and device for aerating a liquid with gas
Process and device for dispersing gas into a liquid