Apparatus for driving and adjusting of flaps hinged to an...
Apparatus for generating horizontal forces in aerial...
Apparatus for operating an aircraft door
Apparatus for protection of a probe integral to an exterior...
Apparatus, system and method for drag reduction
Approach to hover control system for helicopters
Architecture for electromechanical brake system
Architecture of a hydraulic aircraft landing gear extension...
Architecture of a hydraulic aircraft landing gear extension...
Architecture of aircraft hydraulic braking system
Arrangement for adjusting an aircraft propeller
Arrangement for fixing an insulating blanket and related method
Arrow shaped end blade for rotary wing aircraft
Articulated helicopter rotor
Articulated helicopter rotor with an improved blade-to-hub...
Articulated main landing gear
Articulation device for an aircraft door panel and an...
Assembling composite structures
Assembly device for a panel and a structure, capable of...
Assembly for providing flexure to blade system