Readily-densified titanium diboride and process for making same
Rechargeable battery including a li___ mn_0_ cathode and a...
Rechargeable nonaqueous cell with a chalcogenide-containing...
Reclaiming of purge gas from hydrotreaters and hydrocrackers
Reclamation of phosphate from bright dip drag-out
Reclamation of the chromium content from waste sludges...
Reclamation process for tungsten carbide/cobalt using acid...
Reconditioning of degraded work solutions
Recovering heat from burning elemental phosphorus
Recovering hydrogen from gas stream using metal hydride
Recovering of vanadium from its ores
Recovering phosphoric acid
Recovering string-like agglomerates of chrysotile asbestos...
Recovering sulfur from gas streams containing hydrogen sulfur
Recovery and purification of boron trichloride
Recovery and purification of gaseous uf6
Recovery and purification of hydroxylamine
Recovery and purification of iridium
Recovery and purification of rhodium
Recovery and purification of silica