Hair repairing liquid comprising water dispersed with...
Halogenated aliphatic nitriles for controlling the growth of...
Halogenation of water using porous anode for on-site halogen...
Hand portable water purification system
Hand-held spray bottle electrolysis cell and dc-dc converter
Hand-held ultraviolet water purification system
Handling of waste material
Hazardous waste treatment process
Head conversion unit
Heat treated waste sludge disposal
Heated support, method for manufacturing the same and method...
Hectorite based paint spray booth detackifying slurries and...
Helical composter
Herbicide, ion exchange resin for control of submerged...
Heteroalklene bis anthraquinones
High calcium tolerant deposit control method
High calcium tolerant deposit control method and composition
High capacity folded moving bed ion exchange apparatus and...
High capacity single tank water clarification system
High efficiency direct gas-liquid contact apparatus and methods