Method for producing antibiotic t-2636
Method for producing cellulose triacetate from mercerized or...
Method for recovering and using lignin in adhesive resins
Method for separating and recovering lignin derivatives
Method for the preparation of an organic soil conditioner...
Method of disposing with and utilisation of sulfite waste...
Method of effecting substitution in monomeric and polymeric...
Method of inhibiting perspiration and compositions therefor
Method of manufacturing ammonium nitrohumate
Method of manufacturing lignin-resins
Method of preparation of culture for the production of a new...
Method of preparing insoluble hydrolysable tannin and method...
Method of preparing phenol derivatives of waste sulphite liquor
Method of producing products for viscosity control and water...
Method of producing valuable products from vegetable substances
Method of producing vanillin and other useful products
Method of producing vanillin and other useful products from...
Method of producing vanillin, acetovanillone and other...
Method of producing vanillin, acetovanillone and other...
Method of producing vanillin, acetovanillone and other...