A method for conditioning organic pigments
A method of colouring hair using cationic dyes
A natural non-polar fluorescent dye from a...
A process for preparing 'onium salts
A process for preparing quinacridone pigments
A temporary hair dye composition
Acetylation of polymeric colorants
Acid donor process for dyeing polyamide fibers and textiles
Acid dye composition of anthraquinone dyes
Acid dye dispersions
Acid dye mixture
Acid dyes
Acid dyes
Acid dyes for nylon
Acid nitro dyestuffs of the...
Acid yellow dye and method for using same
Acid-labile and enzymatically divisible dye compounds for...
Acidic mono azo dyestuffs
Acridone compounds
Acridone derivatives as labels for fluorescence detection of...