Machinery for the low temperature distillation of coal
Manufacture of activated carbon from sized coal
Manufacture of isotropic coke
Manufacture of isotropic delayed petroleum coke
Manufacture of petroleum coke with coke fines recycling
Manufacture of smokeless fuel
Manufacturing formed coke
Mechanism for the autonomous latching of coke oven chamber...
Method and apparatus for a circulating bed transport fast...
Method and apparatus for ablative heat transfer
Method and apparatus for blending lignite and coke slurries
Method and apparatus for briquetting coke without use of...
Method and apparatus for calcining coke
Method and apparatus for calcining delayed coke
Method and apparatus for carbonizing biomass
Method and apparatus for carbonizing carbonaceous material
Method and apparatus for cleaning a coke-oven door
Method and apparatus for cleaning the door or door- frame of...
Method and apparatus for compacting coal for a coal coking...
Method and apparatus for cooling hot bulk material