Integration of an integrated gasification combined cycle...
Integration of solvent deasphalting and gasification
Integration of solvent deasphalting, gasification, and...
Integration of stripping of fines slurry in a coking and...
Interchangeable quench as injection ring
Intergrated paraffin upgrading and catalytic cracking processes
Intermediate vapor collection within encapsulated control...
Internal combustion engine lubricant
Internal combustion engine lubricating oil additives
Internal combustion engine lubricating oil composition
Internal separating device for a mixture consisting of at...
Interpolymers containing lubricating oil composition
Invention of a fuel for trucks and automobiles
Inversion process of a water-in-oil emulsions to...
Ionic dye-based electrorheological materials
Ionic liquids as viscosity reducers of heavy crude oils
Ionic membranes for organic sulfur separation from liquid...
Ionization enhanced chemical process
Ionizing retort
Iostropic carbon and a method for making the same