Aluminum process
Aluminum purification system
Aluminum reclamation process and apparatus
Aluminum scrap melting
Aluminum-salt bath rotary melting furnace
Aluminum-silicon alloy
Aluminum-silicon alloy
Ammonia extraction of gold and silver from ores and other...
Ammonium hydroxide stripping of tungsten from organic solvents
Ammonium molybdate reduction
An aluminothermic method for the assay and recovery of...
An electrical method for conversion of molecular weights of...
An improved method for heap leaching of chalcopyrite
An improved process for heap leaching of nickeliferous...
Anion exchange resin for uranium technology
Anion-exchange process for the recovery of uranium
Anionic acrylamide polymers as copper ore agglomeration aids
Annular rotary reactor
Anti-oxidation method for sulfide minerals in sulfide ore
Antimony recovery