Ladle for filtering liquid metal on a filter medium with...
Launder for continuous ore leaching method
Layered agglomerated iron ore pellets and balls
Leach extraction method
Leach method and apparatus including means to protect ion...
Leach recovery of minerals from composite carbonate/sulfide...
Leached nanocrystalline materials, method for making them...
Leaching a copper-nickel concentrates
Leaching aid during a ferric chloride leach of a...
Leaching and washing a flocculated slurry having a fiber...
Leaching cobalt, molybdenum, nickel, and vanadium from spent...
Leaching gold - silver ores
Leaching in the presence of abrasive
Leaching lateritic ores with dilute acids
Leaching limonitic ores
Leaching nickeliferous silicate ores with hydrochloric acid
Leaching of a titaniferous material
Leaching of arsenide ores
Leaching of cobalt and/or nickel values from materials
Leaching of copper dross