Microrna expression signature for predicting survival and...
Miniaturized microtiter plate for high throughput screening
Minimal bacterial genome
Molecular in vitro diagnosis of breast cancer
Molecular staging of stage ii and iii colon cancer and...
Molecular targets for modulating intraocular pressure and...
Multianalyte molecular analysis
Multiautoclave with set of vessels for combinatorial...
Multifactorial assay for cancer detection
Multifunctional self-assembling polymeric nanosystems
Multigene assay to predict outcome in an individual with...
Multigene prognostic assay for lung cancer
Multiplexed biomolecule arrays made by polymer pen lithography
Multiplexed molecular analysis apparatus and method
Neoepitope detection of disease using protein arrays
Neurite outgrowth as an assay for memory enhancing compounds
Novel compositions and processes for improved analyte...
Novel method for gene cloning
Nucleic acid binding polypeptide library
Ob-fold used as scaffold for engineering new specific binders