Production of variable denier yarns of synthetic polymers
Profiled multi-component fibers and method and apparatus for...
Propulsion of filaments by secondary solids in fiberizing
Protein fibres
Pvc fibers and method of manufacture
Quench system for synthetic fibers using fog and flowing air
Quenching apparatus
Quenching chamber with adjustable inlet and outlet means
Quenching chimney with open-celled foam sheet
Quenching melt-spun filament with steam, inert gas, and air
Quenching melt-spun filaments with curtain of gas
Radial array of a plurality of melt-spun filament spinning...
Rapid heat-treatment method for polybenzazole fiber
Recovery of pump-out waste in the melt spinning of...
Reduction of carboxyl end groups in polyester with lactim...
Reel assembly and clamping device
Regenerated cellulose fibers containing an alloying polymer...
Regenerated cellulose hollow fiber and process for...
Removing heat from spinneret in dry-spinning by vapourizable...
Reticulate sheet material and method and apparatus for...