Method of producing viscose rayon staple and a spinning...
Method of producing wool-like fibres out of albumen-modified...
Method of providing a nonwoven fabric with a wide bonding...
Method of reuse of polyamide and polyester mixed waste...
Method of selectively controlling undesirable plant growth
Method of separating bark components
Method of separation and cleaning of post consumer carpet...
Method of spinning a spinning dope and spinning head
Method of spinning fibers
Method of spinning polyvinyl alcohol fibers
Method of spinning solutions of polymers
Method of spinning synthetic fibres of polyvinyl alcohol...
Method of stripping pulp bales and a machine therefor
Method of treating fibrous materials
Method of treating synthetic fibers or synthetic fiber fabrics
Method of using composite enzyme for degumming jute (1)
Method of using composite enzyme for degumming jute (2)
Method of using composite enzyme for degumming jute (3)
Method of utilizing waste material in production of...
Method of, and apparatus for, delivering yarns to textile...