Laminate of fusible polymeric microfiber matrix in absorbent...
Laminate products and methods of making the same
Laminate with web and laid components
Laminated fabric material, nonwoven textile product and methods
Latex bonded airlaid fabric and its use
Layered sound absorptive non-woven fabric
Light weight entangled non-woven fabric having excellent...
Lightweight high-tensile, high-tear strength bicomponent...
Lightweight nonwoven fire retardant barrier
Lightweight nonwoven tissue and method of manufacture
Linear apparatus for the production of non-woven fabrics
Liquid absorbent material and process for preparing the same
Liquid distribution layer for absorbent articles
Liquid transport material
Liquid water impermeable reinforced nonwoven fire blocking...
Liquid-permeable topsheet for body fluid absorptive goods
Liquid-repellant covering layer and method for the...
Lock set felt structure
Long fiber-foam composite
Loop material for hook-and-loop fastening system