Apparatus for separating hosiery
Apparatus for supplying parallel lengths of fibrous material
Apparatus for terrying yarn
Apparatus for the continuous production of mineral wool...
Apparatus for the production of a folded non-woven fabric
Apparatus for the production of non-woven materials
Apparatus for the production of non-woven tubing
Apparatus for transferring and compacting fiber material
Apparatus for treating pile articles
Apparatus for use in producing knit fabrics
Apparatus having improved control means for producing...
Apparatus to produce non-woven fabric
Appliance for the continuous production of mineral wool...
Aramid fluff
Aramid paper laminate
Arrangement for forming a layered fibrous mat of varied...
Arrangement for the continuous production of a filament...
Article and method
Article and method of manufacturing same
Articles containing nanofibers for use as barriers