Turbine nozzle, and a method of varying the power of same
Turbine shroud structure
Turbo fan engine nacelle exhaust system with concave primary...
Turbo rocket with real carnot cycle
Turbo-compressor drive for jet power plant
Turbo-fan jet
Turbo-jet reverse thrust assembly with scoop-forming doors...
Turbo-jet reverse thrust assembly with scoop-forming doors...
Turbofan architecture having two front fans
Turbofan core thrust spoiler
Turbofan engine cowl assembly and method of operating the same
Turbofan engine cowl assembly and method of operating the same
Turbofan engine cowl assembly and method of operating the same
Turbofan engine having a split cowl
Turbofan engine nozzle assembly and method for operating the...
Turbofan engine nozzle assembly and method for operating the...
Turbofan engine thrust reverser
Turbofan engine with augmented combustion chamber using...
Turbofan engine with augmented combustion chamber using...
Turbofan engine with fan duct flow deflector