Regulating device for an adjustable hydraulic pump with...
Regulator for diaphragm pumps
Relief valve seat for positive displacement pump
Relief vent control for internal combustion engines
Relief-release pumps
Removable manifold for an air compressor
Replaceable sleeve for a cylinder liner
Reservoir fluids production apparatus and method
Resilient drive for fuel injection pump governor
Resilient integral bodies incorporating poppet-valves
Resilient pressure tube
Resilient shaft mounting for pump
Resonant piston compressor
Retainer for piston head subassembly and method of retaining...
Retainer for sheet transfer in sorting machine
Reverse osmosis method and apparatus
Reverse osmosis pump and shut off valve
Reverse phase and high discharge temperature protection in a...
Reversible pump for driving hydraulic cylinders having a...
Reversible turbine pump