Cryogenic storage tank with built-in pump
Decreasing friction of confined organic liquids in motion
Delivery of emulsion explosive compositions through an...
Device for conveying thick substances containing a great...
Device for feeding a distribution network with gaseous fluid
Device for leakage detection and leakage location
Device for measuring and nondestructive inspection of the...
Device for minimising pressure drop in a compressed air circuit
Device for the disposal of liquid media
Device for transporting in the plastic state substances with...
Dip tubes for aerosol valve assemblies
Dissolution performance by injection through a die-type nozzle
District-heating line
District-heating line and a method of manufacturing the same
Drag reducing agent slurries having alfol alcohols and...
Drag reducing copolymers for cold fluid applications
Drag reducing polymers for low molecular weight liquids...
Drag reduction of asphaltenic crude oils
Emergency water reserve system
Energy distribution network