Method and system for the transformation of animals manure...
Method and system to provide thermal power for a power plant
Method and systems to control municipal solid waste density...
Method and treatment of sludge having particles comprising...
Method for burning fuels, particularly for incinerating garbage
Method for burning halogenated hydrocarbon containing waste
Method for burning pretreated industrial wastes
Method for burning wet wood and waste fuels in steam generators
Method for clean incineration of wastes
Method for combusting refuse and other organic material
Method for combusting wet waste
Method for combustion treatment of combustible waste and...
Method for controlled separation of substances by heating...
Method for controlling temperatures in the afterburner and...
Method for controlling the burning of liquor, which varies...
Method for destroying refuse
Method for disposal of refuse by degasifying and...
Method for energy recovery from solid hazardous waste
Method for generating thermal energy from fine-grained...
Method for incinerating a body and incinerator therefor