Method and apparatus for reducing corrosion in a heat exchanger
Method and apparatus for reducing water vapour in exhaust...
Method and apparatus for removal of residual sludge from a...
Method and apparatus for removing deposits from highly...
Method and apparatus for removing foreign matter from heat...
Method and apparatus for storing heat energy
Method and apparatus for the construction of a baffled heat...
Method and apparatus for the cooling of soot-containing gases
Method and apparatus for the restoration of heat exchangers...
Method and apparatus for transferring heat to or from material
Method and apparatus for treating material having poor...
Method and apparatus for tube formation
Method and apparatus for utilizing solar heat for heating a...
Method and apparatus for utilizing waste heat in a...
Method and apparatus for warming cold frac water
Method and apparatus for winding strip spirally onto pipe
Method and apparatus for withdrawing heat from industrial...
Method and apparatus in a fluidized bed heat exchanger
Method and apparatus of multi stage injector cooling
Method and arrangement for an enforced heat transmission...