Percussion-electric primer and radiation shield
Perforating gun detonator package incorporating exploding foil
Perforating gun loading bay and method
Perforating gun loading bay, table and method
Perforating system comprising an energetic material
Phaseable link carrier for explosive charge
Phosphor combination and method, particularly adapted for...
Photoluminescent munitions and magazine
Photopyrotechnical detonation device and photopyrotechnical...
Piercing bullet and method for manufacturing thereof
Piercing projectiles
Piezo-electric detonation initiator device and system
Piezoelectric crystal powered ignition device
Piezoelectric ignition device for actuating an electric...
Pipe, or the like, with a fitting disposed at one end
Placement method for q.d. charges using minimum diving time
Placement method for q.d. charges using minimum diving time
Planar shock wave generator and enhancer device
Plant for blasting of objects such as rock, concrete, and...