Velocity-matched, traveling-wave electro-optical devices...
Vertically-coupled arrow modulators or switches on silicon
Viewing angle-controlled displays for point-of-sale...
Virtual waveplate
Visible and infrared intensity limiter
Visual display by electric control of scattering of light...
Visual display device with memory and telephone exchange...
Visual display screen arrangement
Visual image display device
Visual image recording device
Voltage and electric field measuring device using light
Voltage controlled attenuator
Voltage variable optical display system
Volume reflector for laser cavities
Wave guide optical modulators
Waveguide containing communication and sensing systems
Waveguide device using optical waveplate
Waveguide devices incorporating kerr-effect based optically...
Waveguide electrooptic light modulator with low optical loss
Waveguide optical pick-up head using mach-zehnder...