Device for holding horizontal array of liquid aliquots
Device for improving the field of view of aircrafts having...
Device for increased eye protection
Device for injecting the light energy of a laser beam into a...
Device for installing a wire in a conduit
Device for interconnecting and pivoting two components of...
Device for joining and tapering fibres or other optical...
Device for local attenuation of light intensity in the...
Device for making ophthalmic measurements and method
Device for modulation of optical radiation and transmission...
Device for mounting a mirror or antenna reflector on a...
Device for observation inside a body providing improved...
Device for observing pictures
Device for optical connection of an optical element, for...
Device for optical connection of an optical element, for...
Device for optical coupling of a solid-state laser with an...
Device for optical signal processing showing transistor...
Device for optically converting a plurality of beams
Device for optically coupling a plurality of first optical...
Device for positionning and forming a layer of optical fibers