System and method for managing and serving consumer product...
System and method for permitting a tournament game on...
System and method for playing an electronic card game
System and method for pre-authorization of individual...
System and method for processing customized financial...
System and method for providing a card tournament using one...
System and method for providing a table poker wagering game
System and method for providing an electronic poker game
System and method for providing electronic card game at a...
System and method for providing secure services over public...
System and method for providing supervision of plurality of...
System and method for pseudo cash transactions
System and method for purchasing goods and services through...
System and method for recovering refundable taxes
System and method for recycling of articles
System and method for remote transactions between a customer...
System and method for replacing identification data on a...
System and method for replacing identification data on a...
System and method for revaluation of stored tokens in ic cards
System and method for roaming billing for electric vehicles