Ac high pressure discharge lamp, especially for high current...
Accelerating and scan expansion electron lens system
Accelerator-decelerator electrostatic lens for variably...
Accurate placement and retention of an amalgam in an...
Achromatic magnetic beam deflection system
Active dielectric waveguide amplifier or oscillator using a...
Adapter for annular fluorescent lamps having an integrated...
Addition of buffering agent to gaseous medium of gas...
Adjustable focus voltage supply for television receivers
Adjustable yoke mounting for in-line beam color television...
Adjustable-beam permanent-magnet-focused linear beam...
Adjusting device for a particle beam
Adsorptive cryopumping method and apparatus
Aging process for cathode ray tubes
Air cooled metal ceramic x-ray tube construction
Air-cooled end-window metal-ceramic x-ray tube for lower...
Aligned mold comprising support
Alignment or correction of energy beam type displays
Alkali metal vapour generator
Alkali-earth metal compounds for dielectric layer of gas...