Transmission line spacer-damper device
Transmission line vibration damper
Transmission of protection commands to a remote tripping device
Transmission pole and arm connection
Transmission-line lightning-proofing structures
Transmissions of vehicles equipped with electric retarders
Transmitter-receiver system
Transmitting unit for meter extension system
Transportable power supply substation
Transportable refrigeration unit having induction...
Transposed bar for electric machines
Transposed conductor for dynamoelectric machines
Transposed conductors for dynamoelectric machines and...
Transverse electrodisplacive actuator array
Transverse flow electric machine with a toothed rotor
Transverse flux electrical machine with segmented core stator
Transverse flux machine
Transverse flux machine and turbine-type machine having such...
Trapezoidal waveform system for driving a pulse motor
Traveling bridge with power-cable reel rotated in response...