Efficient polled frame exchange on a shared-communications...
Efficient server handling of multiple requests from a web...
Efficient software bitstream rate generator for video server
Efficient support for tdd beamforming via constrained...
Efficient time-division multiplexed addressing protocol
Efficient transmission of cryptographic information in...
Efficient transmission of presence update information to...
Efficient transmission of signaling using channel constraints
Efficient transmission on a shared data channel for wireless...
Efficient uplink feedback in a wireless communication system
Efficient uplink operation with high instantaneous data rates
Efficient use of domain socket pairs in communication for...
Efficient, fault-tolerant multicast networks via network coding
Efficiently providing multiple grades of service with...
Elastomeric keyboards
Electric direct current telegraphy transmitter
Electric power supply management system
Electrical communications system
Electrical modulating systems
Electrical-optical interface network