Routing messages via an ims system
Routing method and apparatus for optimising auto-tunnelling...
Routing method and mobile agent for communication in dynamic...
Routing method and packet communications network
Routing method and packet switching networks notably for...
Routing method for fast packet switching systems
Routing method for optimising link capacity and increasing...
Routing method for wireless and distributed systems
Routing method in asymmetric networks
Routing of web-based contacts
Routing optimization of visiting mobile nodes using mobile...
Routing process for incoming and outgoing data in an nfc...
Routing protocol support for half duplex virtual routing and...
Routing switch for dynamically rerouting traffic due to...
Routing system
Routing system and method for synchronizing
Routing system and method for transparently recovering...
Royalty collection method and system for use of copyrighted...
Rpf multi-party reliable transport
Rsa public-key data encryption system