Utilization of aluminium chlorid residues
Utilization of aluminous metal electrodes in cathodic...
Utilization of birch bark
Utilization of bog-manganese ore
Utilization of by-products from manufacture of...
Utilization of cobalt-containing waste solutions
Utilization of combustible gases for heating furnaces
Utilization of compressed air as motor power
Utilization of excess steam and hot gases
Utilization of gases lost in transferring liquefied gases
Utilization of heat
Utilization of heat produced by friction
Utilization of high boiling fractions in preparing petroleum...
Utilization of kelp, etc.
Utilization of liquors containing sulphate of alumnia or...
Utilization of low-temperature tars
Utilization of mixtures of acetylene and ethylene
Utilization of mixtures of acetylene and ethylene
Utilization of mixtures of organic and inorganic acids in...
Utilization of non-compressed oxygen