Toothbrush with exchangeable bristle carrier
Toothbrush with fixed and movable cleaning elements
Toothbrush with fixed and movable cleaning elements
Toothbrush with flexible head
Toothbrush with fluid supply and suction
Toothbrush with gripping area
Toothbrush with gripping area
Toothbrush with gripping area
Toothbrush with handle comprising means for vertical storage
Toothbrush with improved cleaning and abrasion efficiency
Toothbrush with improved efficacy
Toothbrush with improved interproximal and free gingival...
Toothbrush with inclined bristles
Toothbrush with independently attached cleaning elements
Toothbrush with individual standing bristles
Toothbrush with long tapered bristles and short non-tapered...
Toothbrush with longitudinal bristle reinforcement
Toothbrush with longitudinal to lateral motion conversion
Toothbrush with low profile head
Toothbrush with multi-positionable head