Energy efficient phase transfer/dispersion systems and...
Energy-efficient system for generating carbon black,...
Engine exhaust alumina catalyst carrier
Engine exhaust gas catalyst
Engineered low-density heterogeneous microparticles and...
Enhanced adsorbent and room temperature catalyst particle...
Enhanced bioavailability of nutrients, pharmaceutical...
Enhanced catalyst stability for cyclic co methanation...
Enhanced catalysts for water dealkylating aromatic hydrocarbons
Enhanced gas separation for bubble column draft tubes
Enhanced gas separations and zeolite compositions therefor
Enhanced gas-liquid mixing under variable liquid operating...
Enhanced sample processing devices, systems and methods
Enhancement of molecular sieve performance
Enhancement of zeolite catalytic activity
Enhancing reactions by increasing the surface area of...
Enriched rhodium catalyst and method for making same
Enterically active microcapsule
Entrained flow reactor for gasifying solid and liquid energy...
Entrapment of biological agent in matrix of coupled...