Recovery of oil from tar sands
Recovery of oil from tar sands
Recovery of petroleum from oil-bearing sands
Recovery of petroleum from tar sands
Recovery of salvageable components from waste material
Recovery of soluble products from coaly substances
Recovery of tar from tar sands
Recovery of useful materials from refuse fuel ash
Recovery of values from rock asphalt, oil shales and like...
Recovery of values from rock asphalt, oil shales and like...
Recreational mining and prospecting device
Reducing the water and solids contents of bitumen froth...
Regulating the water input in the hot water process
Relocatable countercurrent decantation system
Relocatable oil sand slurry preparation system
Removal of clay from the water streams of the hot water process
Removing hydrophilic minerals from bitumen products
Resinous constituent extracting process
Retorting of oil shale using co2 as heat carrier
Rf applicator for in situ heating