Method for forming a high-gradient magnetic field and a...
Method for froth flotation
Method for improving flotation cell performance
Method for improving the operation of a flotation cell line
Method for increasing fine coal filtration efficiency
Method for oil extraction from oil sands and/or tailings
Method for optimising flotation recovery
Method for pollution emission reduction from glass melting...
Method for processing a diluted oil sand froth
Method for processing a diluted oil sand froth
Method for producing a bulk concentrate
Method for pyrolysis and catalytic hydrogenation
Method for recovering bitumen from tar sand
Method for recovering bitumen from tar sands extraction cell...
Method for recovering components from a feed slurry
Method for recovering fine granulated coal by flotation
Method for recovering scheelite from tungsten ores by flotation
Method for recovery of hydrocarbon diluent from the...
Method for recycling materials from used objects
Method for reducing the risk of back-corona in an...