Reduction of ph modifying agent in the flotation of copper...
Regrinding in a two-stage agglomeration beneficiation process
Regulating the water input in the hot water process
Relocatable countercurrent decantation system
Relocatable oil sand slurry preparation system
Removal cleaning and reintroduction of matrix elements in...
Removal device for electrostatic precipitators
Removal of apatite gangue
Removal of clay from the water streams of the hot water process
Removal of magnetic particles from a fluid
Removal of particulate matter from combustion gas streams
Removal of solids from gases
Removing deposited materials from gas cleaning device
Removing hydrophilic minerals from bitumen products
Removing iron impurities from glass-making sand
Removing mineral matter from solid carbonaceous fuels
Repeating flotation machine
Replacement discharge electrode for electrostatic...
Resin separator
Resinous constituent extracting process