A cleaning and/or inspecting robot for hazardous...
A cleansing and sterilization mechanism
A duct cleaning apparatus
A graffiti prevention system
A high pressure cleaning device having suds cleaning efficacy
A hydrostatic sewer cleaning machine
A manually cranking/electrical pipe cleaner
A method and a washing system for washing turbines
A method and an apparatus for internal cleaning of pipes or...
A method and system for cleaning and reusing a cannula
A method for cleaning filter membranes
A method for cleaning fouled vessels in the paraffinic froth...
A method for cleaning processing equipment, such as filters
A method for determining the existence of obstructions in...
A method for removing a material from the surface of a product
A method for removing a polymer coating from a carrier part
A method of treating a smooth-top kitchen ceramic or glass...
A noncaustic composition for removing foreign deposits
A portable power plumbing plunger
A process for cleaning a tank