Gear rolling method and apparatus
Gear wheels rolled from powder metal blanks
High speed electrolytic printing including image...
High speed shear for end trimming rods and the like
Hose coupling, ferrule therefor and methods of making the same
Improvements relating to screws and threadforms
Knife blade dressing apparatus
Machine for manufacturing helically-seaming
Machine for producing corrugated wheel spacers
Machine for wedge-like cross-rolling
Machines for centerless cold rolling of gears
Manufacture of gears
Manufacture of rims for the wheels of road vehicles
Manufacture of wheel rims
Means for making double groove pulleys
Mechanism for feeding blanks to be threaded into a thread...
Method and apparatus for backing the inside teeth of a...
Method and apparatus for correcting camber in rolled metal...
Method and apparatus for forming a sheave from a flat disc...
Method and apparatus for forming one-piece pulleys