Titanium slab for hot rolling produced by electron-beam...
Transfer of force from manifold to plate of hot runner of...
Transfer system for liquid metals
Transfer tube with insitu heater
Transferring molten metal for low pressure casting
Translating field inductor for producing a directionally...
Transport and storage device for ladle pipe for transferring...
Treating molten metals by moving electric arc
Treatment for improving the castability of aluminium killed...
Treatment of ingot moulds
Tube having filter therein for use in the casting of metals
Tube having filter therein for use in the casting of metals
Tube holder and method
Tubular die for the continuous casting of a thin- walled...
Tubular mold and method for recalibrating a tubular mold
Tubular mould for continuous casting
Tubular roll for continuous casting machine
Tundish and method of preheating same