Starter bar head to be used for casting metal in a...
Starter bar to be used in continuous casting plants
Starter bar to be used in continuous casting plants
Starter device for a plant for the continuous casting of metal
Starter rod for continuous casting
Starter-bar head with make-and-break joint
Starting continuous casting
Starting device for continuous casting machine
Starting mechanism for continuous casting machine
Static vacuum casting of ingots
Stationary continuous automatic pouring process/apparatus
Steam preheating the endless flexible casting belt in a...
Steel casting process with carbon dioxide snow purging of...
Steel clad stainless and method
Steel making process
Steel product
Steel strip having differentiated multilayer coatings and...
Steering, tensing and driving a revolving casting belt using...
Stirring of molten metal core in a casting as withdrawn from...
Stirring process and device for improving the quality of a...