Method for improving adhesion of silicone resin coating...
Method for improving the adhesion of plastics on metals
Method for improving the resistance of fumigant sorption in...
Method for increasing capacity in an automatic clinical...
Method for joining members at ordinary temperature
Method for joining synthetic materials
Method for joint reinforcement of dissimilar materials
Method for laminating a composite device
Method for laminating a plastic web onto a plastic substrate
Method for laminating and forming a composite laminate in a...
Method for laminating oriented thermoplastic film to...
Method for laminating plastic to hard transparent material
Method for laying down tapes
Method for making a heating element by depositing thin...
Method for making a metal laminate
Method for making a multilayer adhesive laminate
Method for making a panel including at least one cellular...
Method for making a polycarbonate multi-layer structure
Method for making a polycarbonate multi-layer structure
Method for making a shaped flexible tube and the shaped...