T-tabbed double-sided tape and method of preparation
Tamper evident tapes and labels
Tamper evident, tamper resistant packaging material,...
Tamper-evident push-through packaging
Tamper-proof indicia-bearing article
Tamper-resistant packaging tape
Tamperproof security card
Tank apparatus with open weave reinforcing patch structure
Tannin treatment of aluminum
Tape comprising solvent-containing non-tacky, free-standing,...
Tape for reinforcing pressure-supporting hollow bodies and a...
Tape for wrapping electrical conductors
Tape having a surface with a low coefficient of friction and...
Tape laminating device
Tapered edge board
Tarpaulin by using polyolefin group split yarn and method...
Tarpaulin or similar material with improved tear resistance
Tear propagation-resistant adhesive tape
Tear resistant multilayer films and articles incorporating...
Tear resistant multilayer films based on sebacic acid...