System and method for multiple aircraft lifting a common...
System and method for providing air to a compressor of an...
System and method for pumping recirculation air from an...
System and method for reducing airfoil vortices
System and method for reducing the loads acting on the...
System and method for transferring airplanes
System and method for transportation vehicle monitoring,...
System and method for unloading angular momentum from a...
System and method for vibration control in a rotorcraft...
System and method for wind-powered flight
System and method of analyzing aircraft removal data for...
System and method of using a multi-view display
System and method to prevent hijacking of aircraft
System and methods for adaptive blade control surface...
System and methods for development and testing of payload...
System for actuating and controlling the mobile cowling of a...
System for actuating at least one positioning flap of an...
System for aiding in the flying of an aircraft on the...
System for airborne transport of flammable liquids
System for aircraft yaw control