S-eb-s block copolymer/oil aqueous dispersion and its use in...
Sanitary polymer coating for food containers
Scorch extending curing/crosslinking compositions
Scorch inhibited vulcanizable rubber compositions containing...
Scrap rubber processing plant
Scratch resistant optical films and method for producing same
Screed mold method
Screen packs for reducing gels in polypropylene copolymers
Sealing cross-linked thermoplastic materials
Sealing polystyrene
Secondary matrix reinforcement using carbon microfibers and...
Seeded porous copolymers and ion-exchange resins prepared...
Selective ion-permeable membranes
Selective membranes
Selectively ion-adsorptive, porous membrane
Selectively permeable asymetric membrane of aromatic polyester
Selectively permeable asymmetric membrane of polyetherimide
Self lubricating brake shoe material
Self sealing film
Self skinning foams employing tertiary alcohols as blowing...