Pentacyclic anion salts or tetrazapentalene derivatives and...
Pentaerythritol co-esters
Pentafluoroethane, tetrafluoroethane and hydrocarbon...
Peptizing agent for natural and synthetic rubber
Peracetic acid oil-field biocide and method
Permanent cobalt catalyst for sulfite oxygen scavenger
Permanent flame retardant and anti-smoldering compositions
Permanently plastic plasticine for fire-protection...
Permeable waterproofing agent, waterproofing material,...
Personal and area self-indicating instant radation alert...
Pesticidal composition and method
Petroleum crude oils containing polymers comprised of...
Petroleum oil having improved cold flow properties
Petroleum sulfonate adjuvants in epoxy resin...
Petroleum sulfonates
Pharmaceutically useful anilides of oxalic acid
Phase change material (pcm) compositions for thermal management
Phase change materials and their use
Phase change thermal energy storage material