U.v. absorbing compositions
Ultra-hard abrasive particles
Ultraphobic surface
Ultraviolet absorbent silicone based emulsions for vinyl...
Ultraviolet emitting aluminate phosphor and fluorescent...
Ultraviolet emitting ce alkaline earth aluminate lamp...
Ultraviolet emitting ceymg aluminate fluorescent lamp...
Ultraviolet screening composite oxide and process for...
Ultraviolet transparent binder for phosphor fluorescent...
Under-neutralized alkylxylene sulfonic acid composition for...
Uninhibited water-swellable bentonite composition
Urethane polymers and sealant compositions containing the same
Use as antifreeze of polymers with recurring succinyl units
Use as cold transfer media of aqueous solutions of lower...
Use as phosphor dot in a plasma or x-ray system of a...
Use of a betaine surfactant together with an anionic...
Use of a composition for the surface treatement of soil
Use of a specific component to improve the photochromism of...
Use of a zwitterionic surfactant together with an anionic...
Use of acetal-containing mixtures