System for coal blowing in iron oxide reducing kilns
System for coal injection in iron oxide reducing kilns
System for recycling char in iron oxide reducing kilns
Systems and methods of cooling blast furnaces
Taphole opening apparatus
Tapping launder for an iron smelt
Tapping of a blast furnace
Thermally stretchable ring feeders in cold to hot gas stream...
Thermit mixture
Three hopper charging installation for a shaft furnace
Throat closing device for shaft furnaces, especially blast...
Throttling molten metal teeming valve
Treatment and recovery of metallurgical ferrous-bearing...
Treatment and reduction of pelletized iron ores
Treatment body for the introduction of treatment agents into...
Treatment of iron oxide fines
Treatment of ores and like material in a rotary kiln
Tubular membrane apparatus on supports for the treatment of...
Tuyere cooling system